Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Version-St Patricks Day Hairstyle.

I got this inspiration from another hair blog called Adopt A Do - Cute Hairstyles For Girls. It is a Four Leaf Clover that is Squishy Braided which I think almost resembles some of the Celtic Knot designs.

You definitly have to have long hair to do the Squishy Braid design because if how you braid and then push it up. I think it turned out ok- it's cute I just want to perfect it more. Here are the pics from last night....( I do her hair the night before so I don't have to rush in the morning doing it. If done properly it will make it through the night).

Let me know what you think :)
I definitly need a new digital camera lol.


errynshealthandbeauty.com said...

that is one of the most festive hair do's ive ever seen!Good job :>I may have to try something like that on my daughter she has waist length hair.

Brianna Bell said...

Thank you!My daughter's hair is waist length (if u can't tell lol) and if I don't do something with it, it becomes very tangled lol so we are always finding new ways to get it mostly up at least :)
